best laid plans of…. yada yada….. We were supposed to have left on June 2nd
for our 7th annual Bahamas sail. Well, the 2nd came and
the 2nd went and all the food and supplies still sat on the floor of
our office.
Ray and I forget how time consuming work and chores can be. We have
such grand plans to throw it all off and go, but the bills need to be paid, the
lawn taken care of for two months, mail to get, cars to care for, a house to
secure….. on and on it goes and there are only so many hours to get it all
finished. Friday night we finally threw in the “leaving today” towel and went
for dinner. Over some really good
scallops, we both discussed this constant rush to get everything done, to get
going, to pull anchor. At what cost?? We have been in some very harrowing
situations because of our need to rush. Most of the time, it is because we need
to rendezvous with company or we stay too long and need to get me home before
school starts back. The point however, is rushing is dangerous. There are
things we forget and worse, things that we overlook, such as weather! One year,
we had family onboard and were constantly in a 25 plus headwind, taking water
over the bow and really taking unneeded risks for the sake of getting somewhere
quicker. Ray and I both decided that cruising was supposed to be fun. We are
tired of 18 hour days of standing at the helm and dodging lightening and crazy
winds. If we get all the way to Georgetown this year, “YAY”, but if we do not,
we will still be in the Bahamas and we will still be on our boat, enjoying the
summer and each other. So when it was said and dinner was done, Ray and I had
both decided to go home and get some sleep.
Saturday, we got up and carried all of our provisions to the
We never got rained on, though we could seethe rain across the harbor, but we did get a push from the wind. 15 knots off of the stern helped us get to Pelican Bay in only 3.5 hours! We were able to drop the anchor and toast our first night of adventure. Brisa was so happy for the engine to get turned off. She jumped up into the cockpit with us and looked all around at the water and mangroves. She did not seem to impressed, so back down to her new bed (our starboard settee) she went and plopped herself between the pillows. Ray grilled pork tenderloin and I made rice and beans. We invited our fellow traveler over for cocktails and dinner. It was a really nice evening with a crisp breeze to keep us cool and music playing on our new speakers. Later that night, the breeze decided to stop and the mosquitoes decided to join our party. Curt left to go back to his boat and Ray and I tried to get settled in to sleep. It had been a long day for all of us. The mosquitoes were relentless and the breeze was too faint to keep them away. Ray did not seem to notice, probably because they love me and leave him alone.
Another first for Ray and I, today. We decided to go down the Intercoastal to Sanibel instead of going out into the Gulf. The weather looked ominous and the stretch around Sanibel with winds and opposing currents is sloshy and takes forever. There wasn’t much chance of sailing anyway since the winds were coming in the direction we would be going. It was a very pretty run down the coast with lots of big houses, mangrove islands, birds and pretty water.
Life is good!
Off on another great adventure with my love! Well written as always.