We have been planning to leave June 10th since we
decided to throw off the lines and GO…… My day started at 8:50 with my
daughter, Hannah asking if I was going to get up!!! I had planned on a seven
A.M. wake up, however, my wonderful husband, fearful for his life, let me sleep
after he got up. I truly am not a morning person, though today would have been
an exception. Ray and I spent most of Tuesday provisioning the perishables and
last minute forgotten items on our ever growing list. We tried to pack the boat
last night, but we stopped to go out to dinner with Hannah and then go to the
bookstore for ONE book that I wanted!! The one book turned into eight and after
the initial shock seeing the total, we headed back to try and store and pack,
provision and stuff things into every crevice on NuTrix. Not an easy task!!!
When we got home, Hannah’s boyfriend, Calvin was there along with ice cream…..
goodbye loading of the boat!!! Sooooo this morning we needed to get it all
finished so we could leave. I am always amazed at the pull of land on our priorities.
One more trip to Publix, one more check of the bedroom, one more talk with
Hannah, one more…. one more!!!! Finally,
at 12:30, we threw the lines and waved goodbye to Hannah and our kitty , Scout
and headed off into a 15 knot head wind…. Such is our adventure ALWAYS!!!!
No matter which way we go, the wind seems to be in our face.
I made sure the hatches were down but saltwater always makes its way inside!
Ray turned on the autopilot… a blessing from above… well actually from West
Marine and we sat back and watch the waves splash over the rails into the
cockpit and all over us!!!! The sun was out and it was actually a nice day. We
kept hoping the winds would shift enough for us to throw up the sails, but it
was not in the cards, the atmosphere, or the grand scheme of life!!
Great post and pictures. Keep them coming